电视剧 瑕疵品第一季 的评分为6.0分,共有32人参与。  A Coming of Rage story coming to Netflix in 2022.  Three twenty somethings were turned into monsters by evil scientists against their will. Now they’re on the hunt for the mad-man responsible in hopes of reversing the side-effects… but also they’re being chased by a government agency, dealing with college applications, teenage romance, random monster mutations, and all of sorts of coming of age related dramas. Oh, and the government agency has tanks.  Welcome to this full-throttle, action-adventure, monster sci-fi Netflix original series.  Welcome to a Coming of Rage story.  Welcome to The Imperfects.  Featuring Italia Ricci, Iñaki Godoy, Morgan Taylor Campbell, Rhianna Jagpal, and Rhys Nicholson.  From show-runner Dennis Heaton, and the creative minds behind The Order, Fargo and Van Helsing.电视剧 瑕疵品第一季 豆瓣评分(8.0)


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